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Our frame is going to be front braced and made of 4130 alloy steel. Micheal Brown is in charge of frame design and fabrication. The frame not only needs to integrate with all other subsystems, but also needs to comply with the very in depth rules and regulations SAE have put in place.

Frame: Products
Side View_edited.jpg

Frame Updates

This year's frame is coming to completion for the design stage. Weighing in at 76 lbs and an overall footprint of 72"x29"x47"!
We are excited to say that our steel has been ordered and we are awaiting shipment.
Stay tuned for footage of our ANSYS simulations!

Frame: Image

ANSYS Finite Element Analysis

Frame: Video

Manufacturing Progress

All frame manufacturing and respective components are done entirely in house. Over the past couple of months, team member Michael Brown has been working diligently on cutting, bending, and welding the frame together. By working with the team he is able to ensure that proper clearance, mounting locations, and practical ergonomics are all satisfied.


Rear Roll Hoop

The first completed section of the frame, and the starting point for the rest!


Cutting the Fish mouths for the SIM

The side impact members (SIM) were one of the more complex members of this year's frame due to the complex bends and fish mouth angles. The fish mouths were both steep angles and were offset with respect to each other. With help from multiple team members and two separate attempts, the SIM's were able to be completed.


Coming together

Once each member was completed, it would get welded in place. the members were held on by weak tack welds at first. These tacks help with final alignment and if need be, can be easily broken in order to replace the member.


Nearly complete!!

The nearly complete roll cage weighs in at 82lbs. All that is missing are the mounts for the fuel tank and pedal box, alongside all the tabs for the body panels, front and rear suspensions, and the powertrain! The next steps are to complete the firewall, pedal box, body panels, and similar components.

Frame: News
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